The steel structure construction market is growing by 20% every year. The continuous growth of the market is ensured when many factories and buildings use structural steel:
1. Some outstanding advantages of steel structure:
- Sustainability and bearing capacity Widely used in green buildings, environmentally friendly materials.
- Easy to transport and assemble.
- Fast design and construction time. DDC steel structure is one of the leading choices in the fields from infrastructure construction to components – mechanical products for heavy industry – energy.
2. Why should you choose DDC steel structure?
DDC possesses an excellent Foundational Competency System and is in the process of digitizing upgrading for the period of 2023-2025.
2.3.1 Project management capacity:
We regularly manage international projects, according to international standards. DDC always hands over the works safely, ensuring the quality according to the commitments. At the same time, we are gradually digitizing to increase management efficiency.
2.3.2 Design capacity according to international standards:
DDC has a design team ready to design, calculate and propose optimal technical solutions for customers. We have a design management system, modern software to meet the diverse needs of projects.
2.3.3 Procurement capacity and supply chain management:
We have deep relationships with international suppliers of supplies and tools. Therefore, DDC Group can confidently control the supply chain to ensure production.