1. Quality must be controlled and complied
DDC steel structure construction projects are always controlled and comply with quality according to regulations, Decree of the Ministry of Construction and standards and requirements from production to construction. More specifically, all are related to the following stages: preparation and implementation of construction investment to management and use of the project to ensure safety for people, property, equipment, construction and neighboring buildings.

2. Meet practicality, exploit and use the project properly
Construction items and DDC steel structure construction projects, after completion, are allowed to be put into operation and use after being accepted to the Investor – the user of the project/construction because it has been guaranteed. requirements of construction design, applicable standards, technical regulations for the project, requirements of construction contracts and relevant legal provisions.
3. Reputation is always guaranteed
Reputable DDC contractors always meet the qualifications and qualifications to participate in construction activities according to regulations, must have measures to self-manage the quality of construction work performed by them, the main contractor or general contractor. The contractor is responsible for managing the quality of work performed by subcontractors.

4. Accompany investors in project management
DDC’s Investor/Clients will be able to participate in the Project Management Board to be responsible for organizing project quality management in accordance with the investment form, project management form, and contracting form. , scale and investment capital during implementation. Consensus and compromise to co-supervise the project are always what DDC aims for when working with Investors, especially customers in the international market.
5. Comply with all construction standards
During the implementation of steel structure projects, DDC always abides by and complies with Decrees and Circulars on production and construction from specialized agencies. In addition, specialized construction agencies will guide and inspect the quality management of organizations and individuals participating in construction projects, including:
- Design appraisal,
- Checking the acceptance of construction works,
- Organize and carry out quality inspection of construction works,
- Recommend and handle violations of construction quality according to the provisions of law.

With the strategy of developing global mechanical engineering and steel structures, DDC gradually improves its professional perfection as well as strictly adheres to and strictly adheres to the organization, management, and implementation of production. and quality construction throughout the project implementation process.
DDC steel structure projects from the stage of granting construction permits, organizing project management, accepting construction and handing over to use all have the participation of entities participating in construction investment activities. construction includes the general contractor, the investor and the competent authorities to take responsibility for the quality of the work they perform.
DDC steel structure projects from the stage of granting construction permits, organizing project management, accepting construction and handing over to use all have the participation of entities participating in construction investment activities. construction includes the general contractor, the investor and the competent authorities to take responsibility for the quality of the work they perform.