Climate change has been having a strong impact on the earth and our lives. Human activities have increased global temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions, causing climate change, and harming the environment. To address this challenge, we need strong and sustainable solutions.

1. Understand climate change and greenhouse gases

1.1 What is climate change?

Climate change refers to long-term changes in climate factors globally, including temperature, rainfall patterns, and sea levels. This change originates from the strengthening of the greenhouse effect – the heating of the earth due to increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the air.

1.2 What is greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases are natural or human-produced gases that have the ability to trap the earth’s heat by absorbing and emitting heat. The main greenhouse gases include CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane), and N2O (nitrous oxide). As we continue to emit greenhouse gases, it causes an increase in the earth’s temperature.

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2. Why is important renewable energy?

2.1 Reduce greenhouse gas emissions:

One of the biggest advantages of renewable energy is its ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Compared to energy from fossil sources, renewable energy emits fewer greenhouse gases or even no greenhouse gases if using solar or wind energy.

2.2 Using clean energy sources:

Renewable energy, such as solar power and wind power, does not create smog, toxic gases, or environmentally hazardous waste. This helps protect human health and life on earth.

2.3 Using renewable resources:

Renewable energy relies on renewable natural resources such as sun, wind, and water, while fossil energy sources (oil, coal) rely on finite resources and lead to resource depletion.

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3. Renewable energy against climate change

3.1 Using solar energy:

Solar energy is a large potential source of renewable energy. By using solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity, we can provide clean energy without greenhouse gas emissions.

3.2 Using wind power:

Wind power is another renewable energy source with great potential. Wind turbines use wind power to generate electricity. They not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also help reduce dust emissions and air pollution.

3.3 Developing energy storage technology:

One challenge of renewable energy is the variability of the energy source (the sun only shines during the day, the wind blows unevenly). To overcome this, energy storage technology is becoming important. Energy battery systems and thermal energy storage technology are increasingly developing, allowing us to store backup energy and use it when needed.

3.4 Necessity of government and society:

For renewable energy to truly change the way we use energy, support from the government and society is needed. The government can promote renewable energy development through incentive policies, tax incentives, and investment in research and development. Communities and businesses also need to support and promote the use of renewable energy through investment in clean energy infrastructure and education.

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Sustainable development is DDC’s top priority in all production and business activities. DDC optimizes production systems to make the most efficient use of energy and take advantage of sustainable green energy sources. DDC has been developing terrestrial solar nationwide and internationally. At the same time, DDC is working with localities and capable strategic partners to develop offshore wind power projects.

Compiled by DDC marketing
