On November 4, DaiDung Corporation combined with Hospital of Hematology and Blood Transfusion to organize the blood donation program at An Ha factory with a deeply meaningful message about community sharing.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Lien, Deputy General Director of DDC shared at the recent blood donation event:
“Every drop of blood given, a life gives – This has been the message of DaiDung Corporation for many years, employees are always ready to share their blood with other patients. This activity also helps connect people together to do good for life.”

Blood donation is a regularly organized activity of DaiDung Corporation. It not only saves patients’ lives but is also an invaluable health gift for each donor. What is especially proud is that in just a short time, more than 400 people have registered to donate blood, 200% more than goal. This is clearly living proof of the SHARING value that DDC carries in its soul. DaiDung Corporation and each member of the organization have reason to be proud, as they have made love and kindness an inseparable part of daily life.

“Humanitarian blood donation” is not only a noble act, but also a noble gesture of society. Every drop of blood donated not only saves the lives of patients in difficult times, but also demonstrates the spirit of solidarity and good traditions of the Vietnamese people.

In addition to the gifts according to regulations of the Department of Health for blood donors, the Board of Labor and the Trade Union also add additional benefits for each worker participating in blood donation this time, including: Taking one day off with pay, receiving 200,000 VND and a gift worth 150,000. This creates great motivation for employees to contribute to social activities.

DDC’s Blood Donation program is not only an opportunity to contribute to society, but also an opportunity for each person working at DaiDung Corporation to show responsibility and share with the community.
Compiled DDC Marketing